MY LOST RESORT マイ・ロスト・リゾート ♪MY LOST RESORT A tranquil and tropical beat that takes you to find hidden oasis an […]
続きを読む“Under The Blazing Sun”
Under The Blazing Sun 炎天下 ♪Under The Blazing Sun This is a song that imagines the midsummer sun and the desert […]
続きを読む“Petal in the Soft Wind”
Petal in the Soft Wind そよ風の花びら ♪Petal in the Soft Wind A windy field. This is a small piece performed by a pia […]
Visiting 訪い(おとない) ♪Visiting It is a piano performance song with the image of hope and light. The coming new se […]
続きを読む“Watercolor Sky”
Watercolor Sky 空の水彩画 ♪Watercolor Sky A piano performance song that is perfect for a summer image like a light […]