Terms of Use 利用規約




・当サイト『Yang Yam Tunes』は、ゲームやアニメなどを始めとする各種コンテンツやサービスへ使用できる、ロイヤリティフリーの音源ファイル(mp3またはwav)を無料配布しています。




・当サイトのすべての楽曲の著作権は、作曲者であるYoichi Yamaguchi(山口陽一)に帰属します。

・楽曲の利用にあたり、クレジットやリンク等の著作権表記は必要ありません。表記していただいても問題はありませんが、その場合はサイト名の「Yang Yam Tunes」もしくは、作曲者名の「Yoichi Yamaguchi」(または「山口陽一」)のいずれかの名義でお願いいたします。


・当サイトはリンクフリーです。TOPページおよび各ページへのリンクをご自由にお貼りください。その際、使用許可や利用報告は不要です。(※ただし、音源・画像・動画のファイル自体のURLへの直リンクは禁止といたします)サイトURL : https://yangyam-tunes.com/

























Users who use this site are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use. Please carefully read and follow the rules, precautions, prohibitions, and disclaimers in the following terms before using the site and music.

Also, please read “About” on the right side of the top menu.

・This site “Yang Yam Tunes” distributes royalty-free sound source files (mp3 or wav) free of charge that can be used for various contents and services such as games and animations.

・All songs on this site are available for free. There is no purchase fee or usage fee (royalty) for listening, downloading and using. Membership registration is not required.

・There is no upper limit on the number of songs downloaded or the number of times they can be used.

・Regarding the use of the sound source, it does not matter whether it is for personal or commercial use.

・The copyright of all songs on this site belongs to the composer, Yoichi Yamaguchi (山口陽一).

・Copyright notices such as credits and links are not required when using music. There is no problem if you write it down, but in that case, please use either the site name “Yang Yam Tunes” or the composer’s name “Yoichi Yamaguchi”.

・No usage permission or usage report is required when using music.

・You can freely link to this site. Please feel free to link to the TOP page and each page. In that case, permission to use or usage report is not required. (*However, direct links to URLs of sound sources, images, and video files themselves are prohibited.) Site URL :  https://yangyam-tunes.com/

・Listed songs may be deleted or changed without prior notice. This site is not responsible for any troubles or damages caused to users due to deletion or change.

・Acts that claim to be the copyright owner of music or acts that infringe on copyrights and intellectual property rights are prohibited.

・Redistribution, lending, transfer, and resale of music materials (sound source files, etc.) themselves are prohibited. Similarly, the act of sharing the material itself between multiple users via the Internet, CD/DVD (other similar media software or hardware), etc. is prohibited.

* However, it is okay to share on SNS such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. for the purpose of introducing songs that are not for the purpose of distribution, sale, or download.

・It is prohibited to register music materials as trademarks or design registrations.

・It is prohibited to create characters from the image materials (icons, images, etc.) on this site, or to use or divert image materials to all or part of decorations and stamps.

・Processing, editing, arranging, correcting, altering, reconfiguring, or collaging songs with other songs or audio files is prohibited.

* However, it is okay to partially process and edit the sound source file only for the purposes listed below.

(1) Processing and cutting for use of loops and adjustment of length (play-time/usage-time)

(2) Volume adjustment (whole or part of the song)

(3) fade in or fade out

・It is prohibited to sell and distribute music material as the main content of goods/products/services, not as background music that is part of the decoration.

・Acts that violate public order and morals are strictly prohibited.

・Use for the purpose of slander, use for the purpose of damaging the honor or personality of a specific person, group, organization, corporation, etc., and use for expression-acts that exaggerate or insult the characteristics of a specific person are prohibited.

・Use of content that includes pornographic or adult content is prohibited.

・This site does not take any responsibility to the user if the files or data obtained by the user are lost or damaged.

・This site is not responsible for any damages caused by unauthorized access by a third party or others.

・Terms of use are subject to change or revision without notice.

・Users who violate the terms of use will be suspended or prohibited from accessing and using this site.

・〈User liability for damages〉If damage is caused by a user’s violation of the terms, the user may be required to compensate for the damage.

・This site is not responsible for any troubles or damages caused to users in connection with the use of this site.

・This site may be canceled (interrupted), changed, or terminated without notice. We will do our best to give advance notice on the site about major changes, but Even if the cancellation (suspension), change, or termination causes inconvenience or damage to the user due to prior notice, this site will not be held responsible or liable for damages to the user. Similarly, this site does not take any responsibility even if it is canceled (interrupted), changed or terminated without notice.

・If a dispute with the user develops into a lawsuit, the user agrees that the summary court or district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the administrator of this site shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance in any dispute.